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Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Hair loss in women, we're finding out, is a larger problem than we knew before. This has necessitated more women to seek out hair loss treatment methods that work for them specifically. It's no great surprise that society today puts a high value on appearance for women. Magazine covers assault us daily across the supermarket aisles, setting the beauty bar for women high. That fact that the gorgeous models are airbrushed, digitally sculpted and wearing hair extensions is lost on women as they stare at the covers wondering why they can't look like that.

Why is hair loss so devastating to women? Why is it so important that women find a hair loss treatment? One thing women particularly value is their hair. They style it, color it, and care for it. Romanticized by the generations, hair is referred to by phrases like "crowning glory", "mane" and "luxurious locks". Whether you're a man or woman suffering from loss of hair, hair frames our faces. But for women more than men, hair and gives them their sense of individuality and often defines them as women. So when a woman begins experiencing in losing hair, the resulting impact on her self-esteem can be devastating. Now, not only can she not look like one of those women on the magazine covers, but her hair is actually falling out. That is not supposed to happen. Is it? It's time to find a hair treatment that restores looks and feelings.

Surprisingly, studies show that 50% of all women will, at some point in their lives, experience thinning hair and one out of four women will experience hereditary hair loss, or female pattern baldness and will require a long-term hair treatment. That's an alarming statistic. In fact, female hair loss catches many women off guard. Even those women who've watched their mother's hair loss are surprised when it happens to them. Some women go into hiding and others despair that there is any hope out there on the horizon for their hair loss condition. Some use wigs and hair extensions to hide the hair loss, but it's important for women to uncover the underlying cause of their particular hair loss.

There are many causes of losing hair in women and not all of them are hereditary. Genetics certainly plays a part in female pattern baldness (which unlike male pattern baldness, tends to show up as thinness across the entire crown of the head). If your mother and grandmother both experienced female pattern baldness that required hair loss treatment, chances are you will, too. Women with fine hair, as opposed to thick or coarse hair, have a much higher risk of thinning hair later on.

Everyone loses or sheds hair normally, but when more than the normal amount sheds and refuses to regrow, it becomes noticeable. Hair miniaturizes or becomes weak and refuses to grow more than a few inches. Finally, it stops growing altogether. For some women, thin, weak hair is a chronic condition. For others, hair loss comes as something of an unpleasant surprise.

While the quality of your hair can be determined by genetics, other factors can play a part in hair loss in women, such as:

o Over-styling - Hairstyles like cornrows or ponytails that pull or tug on the hair follicles (Tension Alopecia) can have a devastating effect on hair roots, causing them to weaken, miniaturize (thin) and eventually die. Once dead, a hair follicle will never regrow. Use of harsh chemicals and straighteners on hair run the risk of scarring the scalp and damaging or killing hair root leading to hair loss.

o Overuse of Chemicals - Bleach, straighteners and perms, used improperly, can lead to burns on the scalp and scarring that can interfere with follicle growth. Hair follicles, deprived of oxygen will die and disappear.

o Menopause and aging - The hormones that encourage hair growth gradually diminish during menopause and the lack of estrogen in the scalp can lead to an overabundance of DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. This hormone is one of the leading causes of losing hair in both men and women, because it cuts off the oxygen flow (and nutrition) to the hair follicle and virtually strangles the root. Hair treatments such as laser hair therapy and topical products like Rogaine can inhibit the effects of DHT and promote hair re-growth.

o Birth Control - Your hair is like the body's barometer. Any time you juggle hormone levels in the body, it shows up in your hair. Many women find that using birth control pills results in not losing their hair. Also, certain IUD's have been reported to cause excessive hair loss in its users.

o Stress - Stress has been shown to directly impact losing their hair. Scientists believe stress can change hormone levels that affect the hair follicle.

If you are experiencing excessive losing hair, don't lose hope. There are hair treatments you can try to slow and even stop hair loss. Contact your nearest hair treatment clinic to find out your options. Don't wait until it's too late.

Ray Treadwell is a freelance journalist with specialized knowledge of the Hair Loss industry with an emphasis on Laser Hair Loss Therapy Contact Ray at laserhairloss@gmail.com for more information. Laser Hair Loss Treatment [http://www.youtube.com/LaserHairLossTherapy].