Go through Women's Hair Loss - What Women Need to Know extra

Sally lost her hair from breast cancer treatments of chemo and radiation. She had grey hair and it is growing back gray but it is thinner and more fine.

Gretchen also lost  hair from chemo therapy only she dyed her hair red when it grew back. The problem is not much hair grew and the extreme sparseness of hair is very obvious. Gretchen is very upset as are most women when they lose their hair. Magazines and books are published about hair fashion and hair style because hair is a defining point in the personality of a woman and losing hair, whether or not it's for medical reasons, is traumatic.

If you are losing hair you are not alone. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that hair loss now affects some 30 million women in the U.S. and the numbers are increasing. Report also says that in recent times, some forms occur at earlier ages. Hair loss in teen age girls, 15 and 16, is not yet common but it no longer is rare.

The main type of hair loss for both men and women is alopecia or male or female pattern hair loss. In men it usually begins above the temples and the receding hairline forms a characteristic M shape. Hair at the top also thins often leading to baldness.

For women, alopecia begins with gradual thinning at the part line, followed by more thinning radiating from the top of the head. A woman's hairline usually does not recede and women do not become bald. Even so about 30 percent of women experience problems with severely thinning hair some time in their lives especially postmenopausal.

The problem is that female pattern hair loss tends to severely affect the emotional health and quality of life because it is not socially acceptable whereas men's baldness is acceptable.

There are many potential causes of hair loss including medical conditions, medications, and cancer treatments and sometimes physical or emotional stress. If you notice unusual hair loss of any kind talk to your physician or dermatologist to determine why you are losing your hair and if there is an appropriate treatment. You may also want to ask your clinician for a referral to a therapist to help you with any emotional difficulties. There are also support groups  that may help you.

Hair loss can be frustrating, but more attention is being paid to the condition and there are more resources available for women to cope with the problem.

And I invite you to find more information on how you can maintain healthy hair and help prevent possible hair loss. Discover natural remedies that you can use to encourage hair growth and prevent loss at [http://HairLossInWomenNaturalGuide.com]

Women's Hair Loss - What Women Need to Know

Hair Loss Women

Examine FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment - Review of the Best Hair Loss Products to Prevent Baldness extra

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Hair loss is a common problem among men as well as women. Though there are several treatments that would help you grow some more hair the question arises - how many of them have been approved by the FDA? Definitely the one that has been approved by the FDA would draw more attention among people as it becomes more trustworthy.

FDA approved Hair Loss Treatment

There are only three FDA approved hair loss treatments. Out of this two are meant for men while one can help the women. Propecia & Rogaine are taken up by men and women can take only Rogaine. The later one includes two types. They include the Rogaine extra strength & the Rogaine regular strength treatment.

Propecia was started for treating the mild to moderate baldness on the top & the middle front of the head in men. This treatment is meant for men only and it must not be taken up by the children or women in any case. The pregnant women must stay away from propecia tablets as it has some ingredients that may lead to abnormalities in the child. In case any pregnant woman comes in contact with these active ingredients a physician must be consulted immediately. Propecia is taken every day for three months. But it is advisable to consult your physician before taking any of these treatments.

All these FDA approved hair loss treatment must be taken when nothing else helps you. As drugs have some or the other side effects, it is good to try some natural methods of treatment and it is also good to prevent hair loss rather than treating it afterwards.

Here are some of the tips to choose the best product to prevent baldness:

* There are several shampoos that can help you but try to choose the natural ones. It is advised to consult your physician before trying any of them.

* Go for a brand name that has been approved by some medical experts and have wide variety of users. Read the users' comments, reviews and blogs over the internet. They would help you choose the best product.

Smart is a company that has been producing several hair loss products that have all natural ingredients. These would help you treat this problem without any adverse effects.

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FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment - Review of the Best Hair Loss Products to Prevent Baldness

Understand Best Treatment For Hair Loss In Women - If You Are Not Using A Natural Cure Then You Are Missing Out additional

Best Treatment For Hair Loss In Women - If You Are Not Using A Natural Cure Then You Are Missing Out

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Finding the best treatment for hair loss in women can be very stressful especially when you gradually see your hair diminishing. You become frantic to find a solution that you try out any topical hair growth cream only to find out that it does not work and worse is that it looks like it made the lessening of your hair even faster. This can be very alarming. If you don't know what to do, try home remedies and you'll be surprised with the results.

Just like any parts of our body, the hair needs nutrients in order to stay healthy. When it does not receive the needed nutrients due to your unhealthy eating, this can trigger and worsen hair problems. So it is important that you start your home remedy by eating healthy food. Not eating junk food is the best treatment for hair loss in women.

Food does not only serve to nourish our body but we can also use it topically to nourish our scalp. Making your own mixture of varying foods can ensure that everything that used in it is safe and won't further harm your hair and scalp when looking for the best treatment for hair loss in women.

Sulfur is a mineral that contributes to hair growth and this can be found in onions and garlic. Hence it is safe to say that garlic and onions would treat your hair problem. What you can do is rub onion bulbs and garlic cloves to your head and let it stay for about 15-20 minutes on our scalp. This can be the best treatment for hair loss in women.

Keeping your scalp hydrated is also a key to keep it healthy. You can do this by applying essential oils to it like coconut oil and Alma oil. You can just mix the two oils and let it simmer. Once the mixture is cooled apply it on your scalp while messaging as the best treatment for hair loss in women.

There are other home remedies that you can use to treat hair problems but for the meantime try those mentioned above. Most probably you would see significant results but just be patient. Just don't give up and be sure to get the best treatment for hair loss in women.

Click Here to find out more about hair loss cures and prevention methods. For more information about a hair loss please visit us at http://www.HairLossCureBlog.com.

Study Natural Hair Loss Treatment For Women extra

Let's face it men seem to worry about baldness more than women since you seldom see a bald lady walking around. But, whether you realize it or not, women suffer from baldness as well they just buy wigs or style their hair to cover it up. Regardless of your gender, hair loss can still leave you feeling insecure about yourself when you are out in public.

1. Your Scalp Breathes.

One of the things that women have to keep in mind is that there scalp and even their hair breathes. It is important to make sure that you are supplying the right amount of oxygen if you want your hair to grow for you. It is not an overnight process but it can be accomplished when you follow an easy plan that you can do right in the privacy of your own home. There is a method to the madness so to speak and if you have the right information you will be a great success.

2. Neutralize The Bad.

If you want your hair to grow than one of the first things that you are going to need to do is neutralize the bad things that you have done to it. Women love to put chemicals in their hair each and every day which causes damage. They clog the pores and that kills the opportunity for hair to grow and it just falls out. By putting everything the way that it should be on your scalp you will find that your hair will be stronger and will grow back healthier than before.

3. No More Self Doubt.

By following the simple methods in How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair, you will lose all of the doubts and fears that you have about yourself when you are getting dressed and going out to a nice place. Your confidence level will rise and your expectations of life are also going to change. There will be positivity and pep to your step that you thought you would never have again. So stop spending money that you don't have to and go the natural way now.

Hair Loss Women Treatment

How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair is an ebook that shows you amazing tips that helps you to naturally regrow lost hair within Weeks. Todd Davis the author of this ebook shows you the great tips to stop hair falling in a few weeks by following easy steps, by spending 15 minutes daily.

Visit http://www.millionsreview.com/how-to-naturally-regrow-lost-hair-review.html to read a FREE report and learn more about this stop your hair loss and regrow!

Natural Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Understand Women With Hair Loss - Oh No! a lot more

Women with hair loss, oh no! What in the world could be a bigger travesty! The crowning glory of a woman, hair frames the beautiful face that attracts the men. Women automatically might go into deep depression or maybe take drastic steps to alleviate the dark and serious problem.

Looking back in history, you see the shame women would face if they lost their hair, and really just a short time ago during the Holocaust women's heads were shaved and this might and probably cause shame.

The radiance of women needs to shine and what better way than with a beautiful head of healthy and glorious hair. As the play "Hair" proclaimed, "bright beautiful hair waxing flaxing, and so forth." Hair has been declared the glorious feature that rests upon the mantel of the neck and head. Hair, Hair, and Hair.

Losing hair on the woman is thought of as unjust. A way to ruin the appearance of the beautiful woman. The problem is real and can be hard to deal with in your life. Lets take a look at a few solutions or suggestions to help turn the tide of depression and gloom.

Whenever there is a loss on the women who is battling cancer, we turn the table by glorifying the imminent loss of all hair. The chemo-therapy will kill the hair follicles and destroy the lovely woman's hair until it is all fallen out. What I mean by 'turning the table' is the woman finds a choice of wonderfully ready, constructed and fashioned women's wigs. These wigs come in all styles and colors and sizes that will fit all the ladies.

I write about cancer to illustrate that you can overcome hair loss. Now I know that cancer is the severe end of loss, but just as the cancer survivors cheer up and have a wonderful attitude, so can you with hair loss that is not as bad as the cancer.

There are all kinds of woman's hair problems to peruse. For example, the lady maybe going through menopause. This time of life can cause a woman the loss of hair. By visiting the doctor, she can gain help for what prescriptions, if any are available.

What about as we age? Problems can all of a sudden appear and cause the lady to reach out for off the shelf solutions for hair loss. This is sort of the do-it-yourself method of treating women's hair.

As I said earlier in my article, although women think of their loss as a travesty, this is not necessary. There are a great many treatments and cures for this hair loss. Keep a great attitude and get the proper treatment will assist you in battling your women's hair loss.

Hair Loss Women

David C Brown is a Platinum rated author. His website is: http://www.natural-hairloss-prevention.com

Women With Hair Loss - Oh No!

Hair Loss Women

Read through Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Solutions For An Overlooked Problem far more

Hair Loss Women Treatment

Despite what you may have heard about the percentage of women who will suffer serious hair loss during their lives being minuscule compared to the half of all men fifty and over who will experience it, the reality is quite different. Studies have no shown that over 60% of women past the age of sixty will actually have some hair loss.

Because, however, hair loss may come later in life, and be less severe for women than it is for men, pharmaceutical companies searching for cures to male pattern baldness are not as invested in seeking a hair loss treatment for women. And many women who experience hair loss do so as a side effect of an underlying disease.

Women's hair loss treatment often focuses on treating the diseases, like cancer, which are causing it. Chemotherapy is notorious for causing hair loss, and once a woman has completed her course of chemotherapy, her hair growth resumes.

Very few women suffer from the degree and permanence of hair loss which afflicts men, hair loss treatment for women takes a different approach. Most women recover from their hair loss naturally; very few men will experience any re-growth without intervention. And while many men have significant or even complete hair loss, women's hair loss is usually limited to some thinning instead of actual baldness.

Hormonal-Related Hair Loss
Research has indicated that, as women have a decrease in their estrogen production after menopause, they also have an increased incidence of hair loss. There is reason to think that the estrogen loss and hair loss are related, and that replacing the estrogen with birth control pills will be effective as a hair loss treatment for women.

And birth control pills have, in fact, proven effective as a hair loss treatment for women.

Birth control pills, however, can produce undesirable side effects, and those using them fora hair loss treatment for women should monitor themselves carefully.

The condition telogen effluvium produces an overall thinning of the scalp hair, and is caused either by a hormonal imbalance or a vitamin deficiency. With telogen effluvium, a larger than normal number of hair follicles enter their resting state simultaneously while remaining capable of producing healthy hair. TE is easily treatable with copper peptide spray, which was created specifically to shorten the time that hair follicles remain dormant.

Hair loss treatment is a big business, but the reality is that there are only a handful of substances which have been proven to work effectively in restoring hair growth. The key to a successful hair loss treatment for women is to get the proper diagnosis for the condition underlying your hair loss, and then research the recommended hair loss treatments for womwn to find the one with the most proven track record.

You can also find more info on Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo and Natural Hair Loss Treatments. Hairlosstreatmentshelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Hair loss Treatment.

Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Solutions For An Overlooked Problem

Understand Hair Loss Treatment For Women far more

Women are in a very disadvantageous position when it comes to treating hair loss using drug treatments. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe drugs for treating women, even though they may work to a certain extent. Drug companies are not taking any steps to prevent and treat female hair loss and pattern baldness either. There are no specific drugs tested to tackle this problem.

Doctors hesitate in providing systematic treatments, as these treatments affect the body's androgen levels. Without confirming that high androgen levels or sensitive over responses to normal levels are causing hair loss, they can not prescribe a treatment which can bring the androgen level back to normal. Therefore they prefer tropical treatments which are applied to the scalp directly.

If treatment is not started as soon as possible after the first signs of hair loss appear, there is a chance that extended androgenic alopecia will destroy a lot of hair follicles. To prevent further damage to hair follicles and to stimulate growth from dormant but working follicles which are a result of prolonged hair loss, anti-androgens can be used. If the treatment is stopped, the hair loss will start again unless the body androgen levels are kept stable through some other way. It is advisable to keep vitamin and mineral levels under check while on a systematic treatment.

Treatment Methods

Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Minoxidil was originally used as a tablet medicine for the treatment of high blood pressure. When excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis) was found to be its side effect, further research was carried out which showed that hair growth could be stimulated if a minoxidil solution was applied to the scalp.

Minoxidil is available under the name of Rogaine and is more effective for women as compared to men. It is recommended that only a 2 percent concentration of minoxidil should be used, but clinical trials are under way to test the effectiveness of a 5 percent concentration solution.

Spironolactone (Aldactone)

This is a potassium-sparing diuretic. It is an anti androgen and workds by slowing doen androgen production or blocking androgen action.

Some other treatments are as follows:

. Cimetidine (Tagamet)

. Cyproterone Acetate

. Estrogen and Progesterone

. Oral Contraceptives

Hair Loss Women

Stop hair loss and obtain the best hair loss treatments & products today!

More useful information of Hair Loss Treatments, visit http://www.the-hair-loss.com

Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Hair Loss Women

Read through Genetic Hair Loss in Women a lot more

Hair Loss Women

Androgenetic alopecia is most often seen in men however a large proportion of women will also suffer from the condition. Approximately 1 in 5 women will experience hair loss as a result of their genetic make-up.

The average woman will lose about 100 hairs a day. This is perfectly normal and will not create any noticeable difference. Female pattern hair loss occurs when an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase converts a woman's testosterone into a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is very powerful and will inhibit the hair follicles by slowing down growth of new hair and eventually blocking all growth. This is when bald patches will appear. Once the condition has got this far, it is irreversible.

The pattern of genetic hair loss in women is different to that of male pattern baldness. Men will typically see a receding hairline, losing hair on the top of the head first. Women will usually experience 'diffused thinning' generally throughout the top of the head.

The condition will usually begin in the 30s although some women will see signs in their 20s. The thinning most often becomes noticeable around the age of 40 and the menopause can make the hair loss more obvious. By the age of 50, 50% of women will suffer from female pattern hair loss or other conditions such as telogen effluvium or diffuse thinning.

If a woman notices thinning hair, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor or hair specialist. While some GPs have good knowledge of how to treat hair loss, others are limited in what they know, so it always worth seeing a hair specialist.

There is only one treatment that has been proven to work for tackling hair loss in women. Minoxidil was first licensed in 1988 by the FDA. Originally the drug was prescribed to treat high blood pressure however users were more impressed by the hair growth they experienced as a result of taking the medication.

Minoxidil can be prepared in various strengths and can be combined with hair growth boosters to create an individualized treatment programme. Again, it is best to get expert advice to see optimum results as quickly as possible.

As will male pattern baldness, the earlier that female pattern hair loss is treated, the better the chances of seeing good re-growth. Always research any company you choose to visit for treatment. Ask questions so you feel 100% comfortable with the treatment. Reputable companies will have genuine 'before' and 'after' photos of their clients you can view as well as client recommendations.

Sophie is one of the Belgravia Hair Loss Blog's expert authors. The Belgravia Centre is a hair loss clinic and pharmacy in the UK and home to one of the world's leading hair loss websites and blogs - http://www.belgraviacentre.com/.

Genetic Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Women

Study Hair Loss Treatment For Women - A Stranger Than Fiction Remedy That Will Help Make New Friends a lot more

Your hair is disappearing faster than a prized front parking spot at your local super store and you are starting to run out of good options. Every time you shower there is some hair left behind, not to mention that embarrassing hair on the pillow every morning. But is there a hair loss treatment for women that has been hidden from public view until now that just might stop that mentally draining balding and put you on the road to hair loss recovery?

In this article titled "Hair Loss Treatment for Women Stranger Than Fiction" we will explore the world of the weird hair re-growth formulas in hopes that weird can translate in a more normal stress reduced life for those women bold enough to give it a try. So buckle up as we explore a hair loss treatment for women that will make you purrrr.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty, where did you hide your cat nip! Yes, finding kitty's stash of catnip could cause your hair to return to its normal form and hey all the felines in the neighborhood will think you are the cat's meow. But before you can become the queen of your very own cat kingdom first you need to turn that catnip into a hair growing dynamo by placing a couple of tablespoons in hot water for about 30 minutes. Use the same approach as you would use for brewing tea. To give your formula a little extra kick consider adding a teaspoon of rosemary. Once your magic hair re-growth potion is ready, let it cool and then apply a small amount to your scalp. You will need to allow time for our catnip hair re-growth formula to work its magic, by leaving in on for 45 minutes or so before rinsing. Repeat twice daily.

Warning: Beware of dogs while jogging!

Speaking of jogging, exercise could help with circulation in the scalp. While there is no real evidence to support the idea that exercise is an effective hair loss treatment for women most balding specialist recommend it. The reason is fairly simple, more exercise translates into better blow flow to the scalp. The increased blow flow in turn provides the hair follicle with the essential nutrients for hair growth.

Hair Loss Women Treatment

If you would like to learn about remedies for balding or thinning or the product many consider to be the top over the counter hair loss treatment for women visit my website.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase Remedies.com

Hair Loss Treatment For Women - A Stranger Than Fiction Remedy That Will Help Make New Friends

Study Unexplained Hair Loss In Women far more

Unexplained Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss Women

Hair Loss Women

Unexplained hair loss is becoming more common among women. Suddenly hair starts falling out for no reason, at an alarming rate-sometimes handfuls at a time. For many women, shock and panic set in as the dramatic increase in shedding continues. Some worry they may soon become completely bald.

Because routine lab work often comes back normal, the condition may be dismissed as "just a cosmetic problem" that one must learn to live with. Or, the person may be handed a one-size-fits-all prescription for a synthetic topical treatment that only deals with the symptom rather than the underlying issue.

It is important to understand that chronic excessive shedding is not normal, and will not occur when all is well. When the hair growth cycle shuts down, or stops functioning properly it is an indication that a physical or emotional imbalance exists. Telogen effluvium is the name for this condition.

A temporary increase in shedding may occur due to a minor, short-lived trigger such as infection, flu, high fever, new medication, change in diet, medical procedure, vaccination, shock or trauma, etc. If the body is otherwise healthy; and the triggering factor has been resolved or removed the hair growth cycle will spontaneously heal before any noticeable thinning occurs. Although this type of telogen effluvium is usually not cause for concern, it may be beneficial to pinpoint the trigger in order to avoid the possibility of future episodes.

When the condition is long-lasting and severe, causing an obvious decrease in volume there may be a deeper issue that must be determined and treated in order to restore normal thickness and optimal health.

Often there is more than one contributing factor. Chronic telogen effluvium occurs as a result of the body working overtime--expending extra energy in attempt to overcome the inner disturbance, imbalance or disorder. The hair growth cycle may shut down or become disrupted in order to compensate while the body deals with the difficult task of trying to re-establish balance.

Below is a list of common causes or contributing factors that can lead to chronic telogen effluvium. It's important to realize that if one of the following conditions exists, it does not necessarily imply that it is the single cause of the problem. Correcting all imbalances and improving overall health and well-being is the best line of defense.


Standard thyroid testing is often incomplete. Because even a slight imbalance can cause hair loss, thorough, highly sensitive lab work is advised-especially if thyroid symptoms exists. This should include testing for antibodies (Hashimotos thyroiditis).


Common deficiencies that are associated with hair loss include protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, chromium, selenium, vitamin D, etc. These deficiencies are also often associated with the underlying disorder in which hair loss is the symptom of. Rather than supplementing or increasing dietary intake of one particular nutrient, it may be more beneficial to include a wide variety of nutrients through diet and supplementation in order to provide balance to the body.


Nutritional deficiencies are often caused by mal-absorption issues such as Celiac (gluten intolerance) or Chron's disease and other digestive disorders. In addition to increasing nourishment, success will depend on determining and treating the underlying mal-absorption condition accordingly.


Candidiasis albicans is a systemic fungal/yeast infection. This under-diagnosed condition can wreak havoc of the entire system. Symptoms include an over-all feeling of un-wellness, foggy thinking, lack of energy etc. Skin symptoms and hair loss are common. If Candidiasis albicans exists, healing the infection should produce notable improvements in hair and skin health and overall wellness.


Some experts believe that chronic low-level systemic inflammation is at the root of all health disorders. Anti-inflammatory diet can be very helpful for health of hair and the underlying related disorders.


Autoimmune disorders may make a person more susceptible to chronic telogen effluvium. To keep symptoms from manifesting, great efforts must be made to keep immune system balanced. Certain autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves's disease, Celiac, Chron's and lupus are commonly associated with hair loss.


It's not uncommon for telogen effluvium to occur in women approximately three months after delivering a baby. In normal cases the condition subsides within six to nine months, leaving the new mother with only a slight decrease in thickness and volume. If the shedding becomes severe and long-lasting it would indicate that other factors are involved. Extreme care and extra nourishment are necessary during the postpartum period.


Anytime an unhealthy lifestyle is present it will be more difficult to re-establish healthy hair growth. The better condition the body is in physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, the easier it will be to heal the imbalances causing the excessive shedding. Although disruption of the hair growth cycle can be the first sign of a wide variety of health disorders, it can be last to recover. The body has a built-in healing system that works on the principals or priority. It will provide healing energy to the areas that are most essential before it will bother with hair growth. The best results are achieved when the entire system is treated holistically rather than concentrating only on the symptom of hair loss.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that specifically targets follicles of the scalp causing bald patches. This is not a form of telogen effluvium but there are variations of alopecia areata that can mimic telogen effluvium such as diffuse alopecia areata or alopecia areata incognita. Severe forms of this autoimmune disorder can cause baldness on the scalp and all over the body but the follicles remain alive so there is always potential for regrowth.

Information on UNDERSTANDING FEMALE HAIR LOSS is available here. Female hair loss can be improved or reversed in almost all cases. Learn about the types, causes and natural treatments for female hair loss. Includes step-by-step information to create your own natural hair loss remedies using essential oils and other nautral ingredients through highly detailed e-books.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig used aromatherapy to successfully treat her own hair loss problem. She has become an advocate for women with hair loss issues. For aromatherapy hair loss formulas and information see: VZ BOTANICALS

Go through Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women? far more

Hair to women is one of their precious assets but taking care of it, keeping it healthy and strong becomes a problem when hair loss starts to get in the picture. One reason why women lose hair is due to their genetic make-up but the female pattern compared to male pattern, has less likelihood of losing the frontal hairline unlike in men which normally bald at this area of the head.


Other common causes of hair loss may include:

1) Illnesses like lupus and diabetes mellitus or if a woman has undergone major surgery, her hair usually falls.

2) Hormonal problems are also a culprit. Imbalance in androgen and estrogen, postponement of the hormonal balance after giving birth and delivering a baby also causes hair-loss.

3) Moreover, if a person's thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, it can cause hair drop. Furthermore, women in their menopausal stage suffer hair-loss due to the dysfunction of their thyroid gland that increases the production of testosterone in their body.

4)Using medicines such as blood thinners or anticoagulants, medicines used for chemotherapy, vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants all cause hair loss. Fungal infections like eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff can also cause hair loss.

5) Improper care of the hair like pigtails and tight hair rollers that pull the hair can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. Normally, if pulling doesn't leave scars on the scalp, hair re-grows but once scarring occurs, this can cause permanent baldness.

6) Hot oil hair treatments and perms can cause inflammation of the hair follicles which can cause scarring and hairloss. Some women might think that shampooing, coloring, perming, and conditioning the hair do not cause hair-loss but these are all wrong. It does affect the hair, and could cause hair loss.

7) Stress and lack of nutrition are also attributed to hair-loss of women.

Treat Your Hair Drop Problems

As we have underlined here the common reasons for hair loss, the best ways to treat it is to determine first what is causing the problem.

If for example, a medicine is causing the person's hair-loss, a doctor may prescribe a different medicine. If there is an infection and properly treated then this can help prevent hair-loss. And finally is there is a hormonal imbalance, correcting this imbalance can solve the problem. For women with androgenetic alopecia, a doctor can recommend a hormonal contraceptive tablet.

Nizoral shampoo contains 2 percent ketoconazole and is often prescribed for the treatment of fungal infection of the scalp. Ketocononazole is used as anti-fungal agents who reduce the production of testosterone and other androgens.

Medical remedies for hair loss in women include minoxidil, the generic name for Rogaine which helps conserve hair. There is also Propecia that helps men retain hair, although women are cautioned to use this especially when pregnant.

Surgical procedures are also available like hair transplants or filling-in thin areas. Spironolactone may be used for decreasing the production of testosterone in the adrenal glands. More importantly, to prevent hair-loss, one needs to keep a balanced diet with adequate nutrition.

Hair Loss Women Treatment
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Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women?

Study Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention additional

No one dreams of getting bold. For women who are very vain, hair loss is one thing that will totally freak them out. Hair loss does not choose a specific gender or age. It may come during the early phase of one's life or could also be a little later. But then hair loss on men is more common than it is with women. Only that women recognize hair loss at once because of their routinely regimens.

Women hair loss is a big problem. Generally, women treat their hair as their crowning glory. What will happen if they suffer from hair loss? The hair will obviously lose its radiance and striking effect. And this fact makes women terribly worried. Will it ever grow back? Will my hair be the same again? Is there a treatment for women hair loss? Now these are just among the millions of questions asked by women who go through the agony of hair loss.

Women hair loss particularly affects the psychological well-being of women. Reports prove how women moving around the corporate world have to quit their jobs because they discovered that they are getting bald for no apparent reason. The socialization process of women also gets affected. Women hair loss prompts them to withdraw from the usual activities which they typically take part in. In more ways than one, their interaction with other people gets limited.

The Main Causes of Hair Loss

Why does women hair loss come into the picture? What causes women hair loss? No matter what drives women hair loss to spread its lunacy, the matter is nonetheless a major concern to all. There are various factors that lead to hair loss but the thing that must be borne in mind is that there is always a solution to it if only the right medication will be applied.

The recorded factors that cause hair loss are skin disorders, recommended drugs and therapies, stress, pregnancy, chemotherapy, hereditary predisposition, bacterial infection, radiation, and extreme androgen production. In most cases, only one of these factors cause the hair loss but there is also the possibility that these factors are combined that hence bring about a greater effect of hair loss.

As in the case of women hair loss, specialists emphasize that menopause is also another factor to be looked into. It is in this phase that women experience a decrease in hormonal production so the body goes through a sudden change.

The Prevention of Women Hair Loss

Can women hair loss be prevented? Specialists have answers to this dilemma. Since the women are very much particular with how they look, they are expected to attend more to the prevention of women hair loss. Experts say that a healthy diet is likely to increase the possibility of preventing women hair loss especially by taking in foods filled with proteins. Do not use unnecessary drugs. Ensure proper hygiene. Do away with hormonal drug therapies. A good exercise will help eliminate too much stress too. Another effective medium is the use of natural therapy. It points to the use of the therapeutic herbs like the sage which is a good medication for feeble hair, the rosemary which can boost dark hair, the chamomile that is able to promote a healthy growth for the hair, and the burdock root which aids in stopping falling hair. An important advice though is to make use of the natural cure only as a supplement. The specialists' prescribed medication is still the most effective.

Hair Loss Women

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of insidehairloss.com. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about women hair loss.

Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention

Hair Loss Women