Your hair is disappearing faster than a prized front parking spot at your local super store and you are starting to run out of good options. Every time you shower there is some hair left behind, not to mention that embarrassing hair on the pillow every morning. But is there a hair loss treatment for women that has been hidden from public view until now that just might stop that mentally draining balding and put you on the road to hair loss recovery?
In this article titled "Hair Loss Treatment for Women Stranger Than Fiction" we will explore the world of the weird hair re-growth formulas in hopes that weird can translate in a more normal stress reduced life for those women bold enough to give it a try. So buckle up as we explore a hair loss treatment for women that will make you purrrr.
Here kitty, kitty, kitty, where did you hide your cat nip! Yes, finding kitty's stash of catnip could cause your hair to return to its normal form and hey all the felines in the neighborhood will think you are the cat's meow. But before you can become the queen of your very own cat kingdom first you need to turn that catnip into a hair growing dynamo by placing a couple of tablespoons in hot water for about 30 minutes. Use the same approach as you would use for brewing tea. To give your formula a little extra kick consider adding a teaspoon of rosemary. Once your magic hair re-growth potion is ready, let it cool and then apply a small amount to your scalp. You will need to allow time for our catnip hair re-growth formula to work its magic, by leaving in on for 45 minutes or so before rinsing. Repeat twice daily.
Warning: Beware of dogs while jogging!
Speaking of jogging, exercise could help with circulation in the scalp. While there is no real evidence to support the idea that exercise is an effective hair loss treatment for women most balding specialist recommend it. The reason is fairly simple, more exercise translates into better blow flow to the scalp. The increased blow flow in turn provides the hair follicle with the essential nutrients for hair growth.
Hair Loss Women TreatmentIf you would like to learn about remedies for balding or thinning or the product many consider to be the top over the counter hair loss treatment for women visit my website.
R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase