Our bodies are finely tuned machines. The parts work together as unit to maintain our bodies as a whole. Controlling all of the functions are hormones, the master manipulators. They cool us down when we are hot, they aid in digestion, and they are responsible for hair growth. At some point in our lives, the machinery is taxed, and the mechanism breaks down. This could very well be seen with the loss of hair. Unfortunately it is very commonplace.
While hair loss is a normal function, it is not something anyone wishes for. As far back as written history can take us, records have indicated that balding symbolizes a loss of strength, virility and looks.
While it is men that normally suffer the consequences of baldness, it is no different with women. The loss of hair for women means the loss of femininity, sexuality and identity. As a result, it prompts women to search for a product that will stimulate hair regrowth for women.
No one can blame women for wanting to regrow their hair, however it is important for women to look before they jump at the first hair regrowth for women treatment that comes along. Too often, women desperate for hair regrowth, fail to look at the cause of the problem. Often they self-diagnosis, and it is ineffective, especially when it comes to treatments. Balding in women could be from any number of different causes and different treatments address the different causes of hair loss. Diagnosis should be made by a doctor, and then treatment can be implemented.
Back to the hormones again and you can see why selective treatment is important. For example, the cause of hair loss could be related to the thyroid (which produces the hormone thyroxine and triiodothyronine) may very well be treated with oral supplements. Loss due to the male hormone, testosterone could be a scalp treatment designed for hair regrowth for women. Starting treating the symptom with the wrong treatment and all you have to show for it is an empty pocket book.
Often it is how we tamper with nature that prompts hair loss. Sometimes it is what we do in the name of vanity that causes hair loss; Excessive hair colors or perms for example. Other times psychological implications are at play, and other times medication can be the cause. Seek professional advice before you decide on a hair regrowth for woman treatment. Hair regrowth for women may be something that could reverse itself on its own.
Hair Loss Women TreatmentTake a look at your body as a whole. The balding you are experiencing is likely a symptom of an underlying cause. Getting a clear diagnosis is the first and most important step to determine if or any treatments are needed for hair regrowth for women [http://www.hair-regrowth-formula.com/hair-regrowth-for-women-and-coping-with-hair-loss/]. Take the time to take care of yourself and chances are the hair will come back.
Provillus has a treatment designed specifically for women. Learn more about it at http://www.natural-hair-loss-remedy.info.