When we think about balding, we usually focus on men, and how baldness will change their lives forever. However, hair loss does not choose gender. It happens as much to men as it does to women. As a matter of fact, hair loss treatment, in women's cases, does not differ much from that of men's. Here is some information that may affect your choice of hair loss treatment in women.
1. Estrogen could influence the loss of locks. It's uncertain how much estrogen impacts the growth of tresses. More specifically, no clinical studies have created a clear link between hairs and their growth. Thus, you should be extremely cautious when using products that influence estrogen levels. While estrogen has been marketed as the best hair loss treatment in women, There's no scientific proof that by changing your levels of estrogen, you can slow down or end the loss of locks.
2. Female hair loss usually doesn't result in baldness. While men oftentimes experience baldness after the follicles on their heads start falling out, females rarely experience the symptom. Instead, their mane tends to thin out, resulting in a wispy appearance. Still, a hair loss treatment in women can be effective in causing one's mane to appear fuller.
3. Losing hairs is related to the genes of both parents. One common myth related to losing locks is that both men and females always inherit the loss of head follicles, from their fathers. However, it's important to note that this belief is a mere myth. In fact, just as the loss of head strands can affect both males and females, the genes of both parents are a factor in this process.
4. Everyday treatments of head follicles won't impact follicle loss. One of the most popular myths regarding a woman and the loss of their locks is that this is related to everyday cures, such as frequent washings and hair colors. However, this belief regarding hair loss treatment in women simply isn't true. Coloring and washing your hair frequently won't make strands fall off in clumps.
Females can lose hairs in the same way as males. You're probably already familiar with males suffering from male-pattern baldness, but do you know a woman may also suffer the same? Fortunately, several effective means of hair loss treatment in women are available. If you're worried of losing your crowning glory someday, take the necessary measures now while you still have a full head of hair to worry over.
Dan Ryder is a hair loss treatment in women specialist who helps run the popular website KeepMyHair.ca. For more information and proven products that stop hair loss and regrow hair, check out KeepMyHair.ca today!