If you are one of scores of women experiencing hair loss, you probably have dozens of questions about what the best female hair loss treatment might be for you. Should I change my shampoo? Is my hair coloring to blame? Is buying a hair piece my only solution?
To decide what the best female hair loss treatment will be for you, first you must find out why your hair loss is occurring in the first place. There are many medical conditions that can contribute to hair loss in women. Be sure to see your doctor to make sure that your hair loss isn't the symptom of a greater, perhaps undiagnosed medical condition such as Lupus or Diabetes.
Some prescription medications can also be a contributing factor to female hair loss. A simple phone call to your doctor or pharmacist will help you determine if your situation is a side effect of your prescription. Two of the most common types of hair loss in women are androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.
Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic condition where the hormone dihydrotestosterone causes the hair follicles to shrink until eventually hair will no longer grow from them. The best female hair loss treatment for this type of hair loss may be a prescription medication. You should talk to your doctor about your options.
Alopecia areata is not genetic, but rather an immune disease that affects a great many women around the world. There are several medical options available to treat alopecia areata. Which remedy is right for you will depend on many factors, including age and extent of your hair loss. Again, your doctor will be able to help you determine what treatment will work best for you.
Other causes of female hair loss may require no treatment at all. Factors such as pregnancy, stress, surgery and certain hairstyles can all contribute to temporary hair loss in many women. Over time, these types of hair loss usually reverse themselves.
The best thing to remember is, whatever the cause of your hair loss, your doctor will always be your greatest source of information!
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