Examine Hair Loss in Women - Effective Ways to Combat Thinning Hair in Women additional

Hair Loss in Women - Effective Ways to Combat Thinning Hair in Women

Hair Loss Women

This condition in women is often treated on two levels: nutritional (even at bulb level) and hormonal/endocrinal. Nutritionally speaking, following a healthy diet is essential. Avoiding coffee, alcohol, simple sugars and simple carbs (white bread, for example), consuming whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, proteins (but not those containing animal fat) can be very useful. Try and eat organic foods as much as you can, because pesticides and other treatments in regular food may influence negatively on your hair. Zinc with Copper, Vitamin C with Iron, Botin, Vitamin B complex (but not too much Vitamin B6), Vitamins A and E, Selenium, Primrose oil, Folic Acid and PABA are all very useful.

Topic use of progesterone and Minoxidil (up to 5%) can be useful, especially if together (not one or the other). Find a good dermatologist who is willing to try the latest treatment to treat this condition.

Homeopathy is extremely useful if your condition is linked to hormonal or endocrinal reasons, but also if your condition is caused by other reason. It is particularly useful in women because, 'naturally speaking', this condition is a symptom of some type of imbalance, and homeopathy is ideal to treat such imbalances. If you choose the right homeopathic treatment your hair falling can stop almost overnight, and that's the absolutely fabulous property of homeopathy.

As per choosing and finding an excellent homeopath versus self-medication, I would recommend the former unless you have already extensive knowledge of homeopathy, of its potency and its commonly used dosages. If you decide to seek the help of a homeopath, I would recommend one who specializes in Practical (or Contemporary) Homeopathy rather than only in Classical Homeopathy.

Two main homeopathic remedies against this condition are Sepia and Lycopodium Other remedies against female this condition are: Graphite, Calcarea Carbonica, Pituitary Gland, Thyroidinum, Folliculinum.

Details on these remedies, how they are used and how they work (as well as a more in depth explanation on natural remedies on female hair loss) are found on THIS PAGE.